12-20, 2018
The weather highlights the importance of prepping your compressed air equipment for extreme temperatures, especially during the winter months. When the temperature plummets, take advantage of these five tips on how to winterize your air compressor:
● Double-check that all exposed piping systems and drains are insulated, especially if these are located on the outside of the building.
● Consider a heat recovery system. Air compressors generate an extensive amount of heat, which can then be recovered and used elsewhere in your facility.
● Add condensate drains and air filters to your regular maintenance list. These are often overlooked, but are essential to keeping your compressor running.
● Invest in an on-going maintenance plan with your compressed air provider. They know the best way to prep your compressed air system for all weather events and can assist if repairs become necessary.
Contact us! Learn more about Pransch Air's service plans – we can take the pressure off and ensure your production is protected during rain, sun, or snow.
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